The Aromas San Juan Bautista Community Schools Foundation
Supporting Equitable Access to Education
The ASJB Community Schools Foundation deeply believes in and enthusiastically promotes the empowerment of culturally-rich district students and teachers.
Statement of Purpose
The Foundation embodies a commitment to education that actively and directly:
-Supports equitable access to innovative educational programs and projects
-Provides enrichment opportunities for both students and staff that encourage and reward critical thinking, creativity, culture, curiosity/discovery, expanding horizons, fairness and risk-taking
-Supports self-initiated learning
-Supports college and vocational education after high school
-Creates and welcomes opportunities for local communities to participate in these endeavors (including increasing funding sources)
History of Foundation
The Aromas-San Juan Bautista Community Schools Foundation was created after the unification of the ASJB Unified School District in 1991 and the addition of the district’s high school in 1994. The Foundation serves Aromas School, San Juan School, Anzar High School and the district’s two Pre-schools.
How do our Actions reflect a genuine commitment to our Purpose?
The Foundation has awarded over $150,000 in scholarships. Graduating seniors apply for 5 different specific scholarships and 8th grade students for academic merit scholarships.
• The Foundation has awarded over $82,000 in mini-grants for school-based projects. Examples of on-going awards are Outdoor School/Science Camp for district 6th graders, the annual sophomore cross-curricular Tolerance Trip to the Simon Wiesenthal Museum in Los Angeles, and bilingual resources and materials for the San Juan Dual Immersion Program.
• The Foundation has awarded over $54,000 to fund after-school enrichment arts programs for our K-8 students (i.e. dance, chorus, folklorico, band, theater, VAPA visual/ performing arts classes).
• The Foundation looks forward to expanding support of students and teachers in their identified areas of need.
What do our Students and Staff say?
“The tolerance trip was incredible, solemn, and truly awakening. I personally have never experienced any place like it. It presented information unlike any textbook. We learned not only about the Holocaust, but also about the importance of tolerance in our modern lives…the true importance of this trip is what is felt by all who participated.
(Blake Sloma, Class of 2021)
“Thank you for providing the opportunity for our students to spend a week in the redwood forest in a classroom without walls or desks, where they can learn about and build close connections with our natural world. Outdoor Science School brings science alive in the eyes and hands of our students. They confronted their fear of balance and heights by participating in the ropes course. They learned about food waste by calculating the weight of what was left over after every meal. We greatly appreciate this opportunity.”
(Heather Howell, Aromas School Principal)
Live Here, Give Here!
How Can I Donate?
Donations can honor a loved one, create a legacy for your family or organization, and/or express appreciation for a particular program or impact from within the district. Donations can be earmarked for an existing program, a new proposed activity/program, current programs “at large”, or to establish a new scholarship. The Foundation will make it easy to establish a scholarship in your name, tailored specifically to positively impact the students that you’d like to help.
How Else Can I Contribute?
The Foundation hosts an Annual Fundraiser in August. The festive evening includes a barbeque dinner, live music, and both a silent and verbal auction. Varied and desirable auction items always include and feature student art. Tickets can be purchased individually or as a table sponsor (for 6). Donations of goods or service for the auction are encouraged.